Posted On: February 9, 2024

Decoding Trends with Vortex Indicator (VI)

Introduction of Vortex Indicator:

In the dynamic realm of financial markets, the ability to discern and confirm trends is paramount. The Vortex technical indicator (VI) emerges as a valuable tool in this pursuit, offering a dual-line approach to identify both uptrends and downtrends. With its distinctive green (VI+) and red (VI-) lines, the Vortex Indicator provides traders with a visual representation of trend strength and potential reversals.

Decoding Trends with Vortex Indicator (VI) Vortex Indicator

Key Components:

  1. Dual Lines – VI+ and VI-:
    • The Vortex Indicator consists of two essential lines – VI+ (uptrend indicator) and VI- (downtrend indicator).
    • VI+ is often depicted in green, signaling positive price movement and potential uptrends.
    • VI-, represented in red, denotes negative price movement and serves as an indicator for potential downtrends.
  2. Trend Reversals and Confirmations:
    • The primary role of the Vortex Indicator is to identify trend reversals and validate existing trends.
    • Traders observe the relationship between VI+ and VI- to gauge the prevailing market sentiment.

Mathematical formula:            

VORTEX Positive=sum (high-Prev low) N periods / sum (True range) N periods

VORTEX Negative= sum (low -Prev high) N periods / sum (True range) N periods

Where, N=14

Interpretation Framework:

  • Bullish Signal – VI+ Dominance:
    • When VI+ (green line) surpasses VI- (red line), it signals a bullish trend.
    • This scenario suggests that positive price movements and uptrends are gaining strength, prompting traders to consider bullish positions.
  • Bearish Signal – VI- Dominance:
    • Conversely, when VI- (red line) outpaces VI+ (green line), it indicates a bearish trend.
    • The dominance of negative price movements suggests potential downtrends, prompting traders to exercise caution and consider bearish positions.
Decoding Trends with Vortex Indicator (VI) image 76

Visual Cues and Decision-Making:

  • Color-Coded Visualization:
    • The color-coded representation of VI+ and VI- enhances the visual interpretation of trends.
    • Green and red lines provide traders with an intuitive understanding of the prevailing market dynamics.
  • Confirmation of Trends:
    • Traders use the Vortex Indicator not only for trend identification but also for trend confirmation.
    • When the relationship between VI+ and VI- aligns with price movements, it reinforces the confidence in the current market trend.


In the intricate tapestry of market analysis, the Vortex Indicator stands out as a tool that brings clarity to trend dynamics. Its dual-line structure, accompanied by color-coded visuals, simplifies the process of identifying and confirming trends. Whether signaling bullish strength with VI+ dominance or cautioning against bearish trends with VI- dominance, this indicator equips traders with valuable insights.

As markets evolve and trends undergo transitions, the Vortex Indicator serves as a reliable companion for traders seeking to navigate with precision. By embracing both the green and red lines of VI, traders can align their strategies with the ever-changing currents of financial markets.

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Decoding Trends with Vortex Indicator (VI) image 13

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