Posted On: April 30, 2024

How to configure your Telegram username in xCaldata app.

Step 1: Create a Telegram username in the Telegram app if it does not exist.

  1. Open the menu located in the top left corner of the Telegram app, then click on “Settings”.
  2. After clicking on “Settings” if the username exists, it will be displayed on that page. Move to step 2. If it doesn’t exist, click on the username.
  3. Set the username.
How to configure your Telegram username in xCaldata app. bot blog 1

Step 2: Enter the Telegram username into the xCaldata app.

  1. Open the profile button located in the top right corner of the xCaldata app.
  2. Click on the ‘Social Media‘ tab on the profile page.
  3. Enter the Telegram username into that tab.
How to configure your Telegram username in xCaldata app. xCal bot blog

Step 3: Once again, open the Telegram chat bot. Log in now, and it should work. Enjoy chatting with the bot!

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