Posted On: February 9, 2024

What are strategies?

A trading strategy is a systematic methodology used for buying and selling in the securities markets. A trading strategy is based on predefined rules and criteria used when making trading decisions.

A trading strategy may be simple or complex, and involve considerations such as investment style (e.g., value vs. growth), market cap, technical indicators, fundamental analysis, industry sector, level of portfolio diversification, time horizon or holding period, risk tolerance, leverage, tax considerations, and so on.

The key is that a trading strategy be set using objective data and analysis and is adhered to diligently. At the same time, a trading strategy should be periodically re-evaluated and tweaked as market conditions or individual goals change.

Trading strategies on xCalData

The trading strategies in the xCalData app are designed to help users choose the strategy they feel most comfortable with. Users can find the past performance of the trading strategies and their current holdings. Users can delightfully follow them.

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